Nancy Drew Wiki
Nancy Drew Wiki

Bianca Bellaschnee Bianca Bellaschnee 26 July 2024

Hot Take

I really don't like Ned. Like at all. I get that he's supposed to be the supportive boyfriend who will always have Nancy's back no matter what and in that way he kind of works, but I think he's bland and overall, just a really boring character. I would hope that as the games go on, they begin to flesh out his personality more, but so far, he's just been underwhelming to me.

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KylaraE KylaraE 20 May 2022

Proposal to document Tom Swift spin-off on Nancy Drew Wiki

Hey everyone! We have a proposal to consider, and with the Tom Swift premiere right around the corner (Tuesday, May 31st!), we'll need to make a decision fast.


Document the upcoming Tom Swift spin-off television series content here on Nancy Drew Wiki.

Background on the series:

The CW character Tom Swift was introduced in the CW's Nancy Drew series, and is getting his own spin-off series. Therefore, Tom Swift and his series are part of the shared "Drewverse", and there may be future crossovers between the two series, and even more spin-off material. However, Tom Swift is from his own book series originally, and there is an existing wiki for the Tom Swift books.

Background on the wiki/editor situation:

The Tom Swift Wiki is dead. The only editor…
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BanaBerry BanaBerry 13 April 2021

Nancy Drew Game Abbreviations

This list is mainly for myself to remember

  1. SCK - Secrets Can Kill
  2. STFD - Stay Tuned for Danger
  3. MHM - Message in a Haunted Mansion
  4. TRT - Treasure in the Royal Tower
  5. FIN - The Final Scene
  6. SSH - Secret of the Scarlet Hand
  7. DOG - Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake
  8. CAR - The Haunted Carousal
  9. DDI - Danger on Deception Island
  10. SHA - The Secret of Shadow Ranch
  11. CUR - Curse of Blackmoor Manor
  12. CLK - Secret of the Old Clock
  13. TRN - Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon
  14. DAN - Danger by Design
  15. CRE - Creature of Kapu Cave
  16. ICE - The White Wolf of Icicle Creek
  17. CRY - Legend of the Crystal Skull
  18. VEN - The Phantom of Venice
  19. HAU - The Haunting of Castle Malloy
  20. RAN - Ransom of the Seven Ships
  21. WAC - Warnings at Waverly Academy
  22. TOT - Trail of the Twister
  23. SAW - Shadow at the Water's Edge
  24. CAP - The Captive Cur…

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Silver Infinite 23 Silver Infinite 23 14 April 2020

Ace’s true identity.

So I have been seen alot of fanfictions on Archive Of Our Own based on the theory that Ace is actually Joe Hardy. I know Alex Saxon fits the psychical description for Joe's likeness being blonde, having an simliar haircut to an original illustration of Joe, blue eyes. Not to mention both their dads are former detectives and in The Casefiles series Mrs. Hardy recently became a research librarian while Ace has alleged his own mother has been an librarian all during his childhood. All that's missing is the reveal that Ace has an older brother (Frank).

However Ace has more in common with Phil Cohen an close friend of The Hardy Brothers

  • Both are Hackers (In the original book series Phil was an Everyday Man)
  • Both have an good sense of humour no mat…
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Shrekdonkey Shrekdonkey 11 August 2014

Nancy drew 2

Emma Roberts signed on for two sequels, however they were canceled to due negative fan reception and the low gross from the opening weekend.

So I guess no sequels

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Carriecool Carriecool 13 April 2013

Hi from carriecool

Hi, looks like all of us like nancy drew! I also like the games, I only played one game and I forgot the name. Its about nancy going to a place for a wedding. Than when she gets there, the brides husban is missing. It's funny how this wiki doesn't have any chat or points? Do u know how to get some. Please answer back.

Carriecool :)

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