Nancy Drew Wiki
Nancy Drew Wiki

The Nancy Drew games have been translated into several different languages. Known languages and game information are listed below.

French Editions[]

The series in French is known as 'Les Enquêtes de Nancy Drew'.

Adventure Series[]

English Title French Title French Number Dubbed or Subbed
Curse of Blackmoor Manor La Malédiction du manoir de Blackmoor 1 Dubbed
Secret of the Old Clock Le Mystère de l'horloge 2 Dubbed
Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon Dernier Train pour Blue Moon Canyon 3 Dubbed
Danger by Design Danger au cœur de la mode 4 Dubbed
The Creature of Kapu Cave La Créature de Kapu Cave 5 Dubbed
The White Wolf of Icicle Creek Le Loup blanc d'Icicle Creek 6 Dubbed
Legend of the Crystal Skull La Légende du crâne de cristal 7 Dubbed
The Phantom of Venice (video game) Le Fantôme de Venise 8 Dubbed
The Haunting of Castle Malloy Le Château hanté de Malloy 9 Dubbed
Ransom of the Seven Ships Kidnapping aux Bahamas 10 Dubbed
Warnings at Waverly Academy Panique à Waverly Academy 11 Dubbed
Trail of the Twister Chasseurs de tornades 12 Dubbed
Shadow at the Water's Edge* Le Motel Maudit* 13 Dubbed
Secrets Can Kill Remastered Secrets Mortels 14 Dubbed
The Captive Curse La Malédiction Perdue Subbed
Alibi in Ashes L'alibi part en fumée Subbed
Tomb of the Lost Queen Le Tombeau de la reine disparue Subbed
The Deadly Device Le Dispositif mortel Subbed
Ghost of Thornton Hall Le Fantôme de Thornton Hall Subbed
The Silent Spy L'Espion silencieux Subbed

*Shadow at the Water's Edge/Le Motel Maudit is not the bonus edition. It is the regular version of the game.

Dossier Series[]

English Title French Title French Number Dubbed or Subbed
Lights, Camera, Curses! Malédiction à Hollywood 1
Resorting to Danger! Beauté sous tension! 2

Russian Editions[]

The series in Russia is known as 'Нэнси Дрю'.

Adventure Series[]

English Title Russian Title Russian Number Dubbed or Subbed
Secrets Can Kill Секреты могут убивать 17 Dubbed
Stay Tuned for Danger Опасность за каждым углом 14 Dubbed
Message in a Haunted Mansion Призрак в гостинице 9 Dubbed
Treasure in the Royal Tower Сокровище королевской башни 13 Dubbed
The Final Scene Похищение в театре 15 Dubbed
Secret of the Scarlet Hand Тайна алой руки 12 Dubbed
Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake Псы-призраки Лунного озера 10 Dubbed
The Haunted Carousel Заколдованная карусель 8 Dubbed
Danger on Deception Island Туманы острова Лжи 7 Dubbed
The Secret of Shadow Ranch Тайна ранчо Теней 2 Dubbed
Curse of Blackmoor Manor Проклятье поместья Блэкмур 1 Dubbed
Secret of the Old Clock Секрет старинных часов 3 Dubbed
Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon Последний поезд в Лунное ущелье 4 Dubbed
Danger by Design Платье для первой леди 6 Dubbed
The Creature of Kapu Cave Чудовище пещеры Капу 5 Dubbed
The White Wolf of Icicle Creek Белый волк Ледяного ущелья 11 Dubbed
Legend of the Crystal Skull Легенда о хрустальном черепе 16 Dubbed
The Phantom of Venice (video game) Призрак Венеции 18 Dubbed
The Haunting of Castle Malloy Привидение замка Маллой 19 Dubbed
Ransom of the Seven Ships Клад семи кораблей 20 Dubbed
Warnings at Waverly Academy Записки чёрной кошки 21 Dubbed
Trail of the Twister По следу торнадо 23 Dubbed
Shadow at the Water’s Edge Тень у воды 25 Dubbed
Secrets Can Kill Remastered Секреты могут убивать. Возвращение 26 Dubbed
The Captive Curse Проклятие старого замка 27 Dubbed
Alibi in Ashes Сгоревшее алиби 28 Dubbed
Tomb of the Lost Queen Усыпальница пропавшей королевы 29 Dubbed
The Deadly Device Смертельное устройство Subbed
Ghost of Thornton Hall Призрак усадьбы Торнтон Subbed
The Silent Spy Молчание шпиона Subbed
The Shattered Medallion Расколотый медальон Subbed
Labyrinth of Lies Лабиринт обмана Subbed
Sea of Darkness Песнь тёмных вод Subbed

Dossier Series[]

English Title Russian Title Russian Number Dubbed or Subbed
Lights, Camera, Curses! Свет! Камера! Загадка! 22 Dubbed
Resorting to Danger! Опасные связи 24 Dubbed

German Editions[]

Adventure Series[]

English Title German Title German Number Dubbed or Subbed
Legend of the Crystal Skull Die Legende des Kristallschädels 1 Dubbed
The Phantom of Venice (video game) Das Phantom von Venedig 2 Dubbed
The Captive Curse The Captive Curse Subbed
The Silent Spy Der stille Spion Subbed

Dossier Series[]

English Title German Title German Nuber Dubbed or Subbed
Lights, Camera, Curses! Ein Fall für Nancy Drew: Fluch im Filmstudio 1 Dubbed