The Nancy Drew games have been translated into several different languages. Known languages and game information are listed below.
French Editions[]
The series in French is known as 'Les Enquêtes de Nancy Drew'.
Adventure Series[]
English Title | French Title | French Number | Dubbed or Subbed |
Curse of Blackmoor Manor | La Malédiction du manoir de Blackmoor | 1 | Dubbed |
Secret of the Old Clock | Le Mystère de l'horloge | 2 | Dubbed |
Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon | Dernier Train pour Blue Moon Canyon | 3 | Dubbed |
Danger by Design | Danger au cœur de la mode | 4 | Dubbed |
The Creature of Kapu Cave | La Créature de Kapu Cave | 5 | Dubbed |
The White Wolf of Icicle Creek | Le Loup blanc d'Icicle Creek | 6 | Dubbed |
Legend of the Crystal Skull | La Légende du crâne de cristal | 7 | Dubbed |
The Phantom of Venice (video game) | Le Fantôme de Venise | 8 | Dubbed |
The Haunting of Castle Malloy | Le Château hanté de Malloy | 9 | Dubbed |
Ransom of the Seven Ships | Kidnapping aux Bahamas | 10 | Dubbed |
Warnings at Waverly Academy | Panique à Waverly Academy | 11 | Dubbed |
Trail of the Twister | Chasseurs de tornades | 12 | Dubbed |
Shadow at the Water's Edge* | Le Motel Maudit* | 13 | Dubbed |
Secrets Can Kill Remastered | Secrets Mortels | 14 | Dubbed |
The Captive Curse | La Malédiction Perdue | Subbed | |
Alibi in Ashes | L'alibi part en fumée | Subbed | |
Tomb of the Lost Queen | Le Tombeau de la reine disparue | Subbed | |
The Deadly Device | Le Dispositif mortel | Subbed | |
Ghost of Thornton Hall | Le Fantôme de Thornton Hall | Subbed | |
The Silent Spy | L'Espion silencieux | Subbed |
*Shadow at the Water's Edge/Le Motel Maudit is not the bonus edition. It is the regular version of the game.
Dossier Series[]
English Title | French Title | French Number | Dubbed or Subbed |
Lights, Camera, Curses! | Malédiction à Hollywood | 1 | |
Resorting to Danger! | Beauté sous tension! | 2 |
Russian Editions[]
The series in Russia is known as 'Нэнси Дрю'.
Adventure Series[]
English Title | Russian Title | Russian Number | Dubbed or Subbed |
Secrets Can Kill | Секреты могут убивать | 17 | Dubbed |
Stay Tuned for Danger | Опасность за каждым углом | 14 | Dubbed |
Message in a Haunted Mansion | Призрак в гостинице | 9 | Dubbed |
Treasure in the Royal Tower | Сокровище королевской башни | 13 | Dubbed |
The Final Scene | Похищение в театре | 15 | Dubbed |
Secret of the Scarlet Hand | Тайна алой руки | 12 | Dubbed |
Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake | Псы-призраки Лунного озера | 10 | Dubbed |
The Haunted Carousel | Заколдованная карусель | 8 | Dubbed |
Danger on Deception Island | Туманы острова Лжи | 7 | Dubbed |
The Secret of Shadow Ranch | Тайна ранчо Теней | 2 | Dubbed |
Curse of Blackmoor Manor | Проклятье поместья Блэкмур | 1 | Dubbed |
Secret of the Old Clock | Секрет старинных часов | 3 | Dubbed |
Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon | Последний поезд в Лунное ущелье | 4 | Dubbed |
Danger by Design | Платье для первой леди | 6 | Dubbed |
The Creature of Kapu Cave | Чудовище пещеры Капу | 5 | Dubbed |
The White Wolf of Icicle Creek | Белый волк Ледяного ущелья | 11 | Dubbed |
Legend of the Crystal Skull | Легенда о хрустальном черепе | 16 | Dubbed |
The Phantom of Venice (video game) | Призрак Венеции | 18 | Dubbed |
The Haunting of Castle Malloy | Привидение замка Маллой | 19 | Dubbed |
Ransom of the Seven Ships | Клад семи кораблей | 20 | Dubbed |
Warnings at Waverly Academy | Записки чёрной кошки | 21 | Dubbed |
Trail of the Twister | По следу торнадо | 23 | Dubbed |
Shadow at the Water’s Edge | Тень у воды | 25 | Dubbed |
Secrets Can Kill Remastered | Секреты могут убивать. Возвращение | 26 | Dubbed |
The Captive Curse | Проклятие старого замка | 27 | Dubbed |
Alibi in Ashes | Сгоревшее алиби | 28 | Dubbed |
Tomb of the Lost Queen | Усыпальница пропавшей королевы | 29 | Dubbed |
The Deadly Device | Смертельное устройство | Subbed | |
Ghost of Thornton Hall | Призрак усадьбы Торнтон | Subbed | |
The Silent Spy | Молчание шпиона | Subbed | |
The Shattered Medallion | Расколотый медальон | Subbed | |
Labyrinth of Lies | Лабиринт обмана | Subbed | |
Sea of Darkness | Песнь тёмных вод | Subbed |
Dossier Series[]
English Title | Russian Title | Russian Number | Dubbed or Subbed |
Lights, Camera, Curses! | Свет! Камера! Загадка! | 22 | Dubbed |
Resorting to Danger! | Опасные связи | 24 | Dubbed |
German Editions[]
Adventure Series[]
English Title | German Title | German Number | Dubbed or Subbed |
Legend of the Crystal Skull | Die Legende des Kristallschädels | 1 | Dubbed |
The Phantom of Venice (video game) | Das Phantom von Venedig | 2 | Dubbed |
The Captive Curse | The Captive Curse | Subbed | |
The Silent Spy | Der stille Spion | Subbed |
Dossier Series[]
English Title | German Title | German Nuber | Dubbed or Subbed |
Lights, Camera, Curses! | Ein Fall für Nancy Drew: Fluch im Filmstudio | 1 | Dubbed |