- ...Action!
- ...And His Two Men and a Baby
- ...And Nine Inches of Danger
- ...And the 4b Curl
- ...And the Benefits of Bondage
- ...And the Book of Isaac
- ...And the Chocolate Cowboys
- ...And the Cost of Forgiveness
- ...And the Crashed Cotillion
- ...And the Liftoff to Saturn
- ...And the Night to Remember
- ARGON Building
- A Capitol Crime
- A Crime for Christmas
- A Date with Deception
- A Haunting We Will Go
- A Model Crime
- A Nancy Drew Christmas
- A Question of Guilt
- A Race Against Time
- A Script for Danger
- A Secret in Time
- A Star Witness
- A Talent for Murder
- A Taste of Danger
- Abby Murray
- Abby Sideris
- Abdullah Bakhoum
- Abe Tamura
- Ace
- Ace/Gallery
- Adam Beach
- Addison Hammond
- Addy Soctomah
- Adela Čzerná
- Adrienne MacIan
- Against the Rules
- Aglaeca
- Alan Payne
- Alan Penvellyn
- Alan Smythe
- Albert Mwangi
- Alec Fell
- Alejandro del Rio
- Alena Saunders
- Alex Saxon
- Alex Trang
- Alex Yopp
- Alexei Markovic
- Alexey Konstantirev
- Alibi in Ashes
- Alicia Cole
- Alien in the Classroom
- Alisa Murray
- Alvina August
- Alycia Delmore
- Alyssa Keene
- Amanda Bobbsey
- Amaya Alston
- Amy Augustine
- Amy Broomhall
- An Instinct for Trouble
- Anasazi Cliff Dwellings
- Anastasia Romanov
- Andy Jason
- Angela Mills
- Anja Mittelmeier
- Anja Savcic
- Anne Grant
- Annunaki
- Antonia Scallari
- Antonio Fango
- Anything for Love
- April Fool's Day
- April Parker Jones
- Arson and Old Lace
- Arthur Hitchens
- Ashleigh Murray
- At All Costs
- Austin Neely
- Bad Day for Ballet
- Bad Medicine
- Bad Times, Big Crimes
- Barclay
- Baron Otto von Ekartsburg
- Barton Swift
- Bashiir
- Bat Steep
- Beech Hill Museum
- Ben Laurance
- Benjamin Hawkins
- Bertram Bobbsey
- Bess' date
- Bess Marvin
- Bess Marvin (2019 character)
- Bess Marvin (2019 character)/Gallery
- Bess Marvin (video game character)
- Best of Enemies
- Bet's Best Bets
- Bet Rawley
- Betrayed by Love
- Big Island Mike's Immersion Excursion
- Big Top Flop
- Big Worry in Wonderland
- Bill Corkery
- Bill Kessler
- Bill Pappas
- Bird Bonanza
- Black Velvet Mystery
- Blackmoor Manor
- Blackrock Island
- Bob Heath
- Bonfire Masquerade
- Bonita Granville
- Bonus Editions
- Boo Crew
- Brady Armstrong
- Brenda Carlton
- Brenda Carlton (video game character)
- Brenda Joyner
- Brendan Malloy
- Brian Daglian
- Brian Hargus
- Brian Neel
- Bridget Shaw
- Brittany Cox
- Broken Promises
- Brooke Tavanah
- Bruce Milligan
- Bruno Bolet
- Buried Secrets
- Buried in Time
- Burt Eddleton (video game character)
- Ca' Nascosta
- Caddy
- Caitlin Malloy
- California Schemin'
- Cameos
- Cameron Johnson
- Camille Hurley
- Campo Santa Maria Formosa
- Campus Exposures
- Candy Kingdom Chaos
- Candy is Dandy
- Captain's Cove Amusement Park
- Captain's Quarters Hotel
- Captain Stone's Revenge
- Captive Heart
- Captive Witness
- Carmen Moore
- Carol Stephenson-Hughes
- Carolyn Keene
- Carousel
- Carson Drew
- Carson Drew (2019 character)
- Carson Drew (2019 character)/Gallery
- Carson Drew (video game character)
- Casa dei Giochi
- Casey Porterfield
- Cassidy Jones
- Castle Cast
- Castle Finster
- Castle Malloy
- Cathedral
- Celia Hudson
- Chandler Interiors
- Chantal Moique
- Charleena Purcell
- Charlie Fan
- Charlie Murphy
- Charlotte Thornton
- Chase Relerford
- Chief McGinnis
- Chief McGinnis (2019 character)
- Chief McGinnis (video game character)
- Chimpanzee Spree
- Chinese New Year Mystery
- Choosing Sides
- Chris Maxfield
- Chris Spott
- Circle of Evil
- Circus Act
- Claire Boynton
- Claire Cormier
- Claire Gallagher
- Clara Thornton
- Close Encounters
- Club Dread
- Club Micio
- Clue in the Ancient Disguise
- Clue in the Clock
- Codes & Clues
- Coins
- Cold as Ice
- Colin Baxter
- Colton Birchfield
- Combo Cola
- Conni Ellern
- Connie Watson
- Cookies
- Copper Canyon Conspiracy
- Copper Gorge
- Copperhead
- Corine Myers
- Corky Veinshtein
- Cory the Cat
- Coucou
- Cougar Bend
- Counterfeit Christmas
- Courting Disaster
- Creepy's Corner
- Crime at the Ch@t Café
- Crime in the Queen's Court
- Cromwell
- Crosscurrents
- Curse of Blackmoor Manor
- Curse of the Arctic Star
- Cutting Edge
- Dagny Silva
- Damian Faulkner
- Dan Murphy
- Dana Cali
- Dance Till You Die
- Danger Down Under
- Danger Overseas
- Danger at the Iron Dragon
- Danger by Design
- Danger for Hire
- Danger in Disguise
- Danger on Deception Island
- Danger on Parade
- Danger on the Great Lakes
- Dangerous Games
- Dangerous Loves
- Dangerous Plays
- Dangerous Relations
- Daniel Christensen
- Daniel Guttenberg
- Danielle Hayes
- Dare at the Fair
- Darryl Trent
- Daryl Gray
- Dashiel Biedermeyer
- Dave Gregory
- David Hogan
- David S. Hogan
- Dawn Ziegler
- Dead on Arrival
- Deadly Doubles
- Deadly Intent
- Death by Design
- Debbie Kircum
- Deep Secrets
- Dehlia Draycott
- Deirdre Shannon (book character)
- Deirdre Shannon (video game character)
- Demons of the Deep Haunted House
- Dennis Regan
- Designs in Crime
- Desperate Measures
- Detective Beech
- Dexter Egan
- Diamond Deceit
- Diana Marvin
- Diego Valdez
- Dieter von Schwesterkrank
- Dinosaur Alert
- Dirk Valentine
- Dirk Valentine's Treasure
- Don't Look Twice
- Don Darryl Rivera
- Donal Delaney
- Donna Rowry
- Don’t Look Back
- Dora Lanier
- Double Crossing
- Doubtful Sound
- Dr. Elisabeth Hirst
- Dread Isle
- Dressed to Steal
- Drew
- Drew family
- Drewniverse
- Dry Creek
- Duck Derby Debacle
- Dude Ranch Detective
- Dwayne Powers
- Dylan's Tours
- Dylan Carter
- Earth Day Escapade
- Easter Eggs
- Easy Marks
- Ed Rawley
- Ed and Bet Rawley
- Eda Brooks
- Eden Summer Gilmore
- Edgar Allan Poe
- El Toro
- El Toro's Treasure
- Elinor Penvellyn
- Elisabet Grimursdottir
- Elka Strojník
- Ellie Humber
- Ellie York
- Elliott Chen
- Eloise Drew
- Eloise Drew (video game character)
- Elsa Sibblehoth
- Else Amsel
- Em's Emporium
- Emily Crandall
- Emily Foxworth
- Emily Griffin
- Emma Roberts
- En Garde
- Enemy Match
- Enrico Tazza
- Ethel Bossiny
- Eustacia Andropov
- Evan Newton
- Everett Hudson
- Evgenia Kamysheva
- Evil in Amsterdam
- Ewan Macleod
- Exhibition of Evil
- Ezra Wickford
- False Friends
- False Impressions
- False Moves
- False Notes
- False Pretenses
- Famous Mistakes
- Fatal Attraction
- Fatal Ransom
- Fatima
- Final Notes
- Fine Feathered Mystery
- Fiona Malloy
- Fishing for Clues
- Flirting with Danger
- Flower Power
- Flying Too High
- For Love or Money
- Foreign Editions
- Framed