Nancy Drew Wiki
Nancy Drew Wiki

The Burning of the Sorrows is the eighth episode of season 3 of The CW television series Nancy Drew, and the forty-fourth episode of the series overall. It aired on Friday, December 3, 2021 on The CW.


Official synopsis of The Burning of the Sorrows from The CW:

SECRETS - Nancy, Bess, Agent Park and Temperance have to join forces when an attempt to trap a killer ends up unintentionally unleashing a deadly supernatural entity that feeds on people's sorrows. Meanwhile, Ace and Ryan discover a haunting at the Historical Society, and George meets a friend from Nick's past who may have secrets of her own.[1]

Plot summary[]


Cast and characters[]


Guest Starring:


  • Geraldine Chiu as Jesse Fan
  • Jesse Muhoozi as Kwame
  • Yasmeen Kelders as Talia
  • Max Archibald as Cameron
  • Ariel Ladret as Cora Dow
  • Kenny Wood-Schatz as Beckett Dow
  • Matthew Sears as Specter of Charity's Father
  • Chloe McKinnon as Specter of Young Charity


  • Light Monster/Burning Sorrows


  • Richard Trott
  • The Women in White
  • Matthew Burke
  • Eleanor Harris, a child victim of gun violence


Didn't expect your go-to move to be "mystical blood ritual" but I admire the commitment.
— Agent Park to Nancy


  • The sequence in Icarus Hall took 4 days to film.[2]
  • This episode marks Larry Teng's 100th episode in directing for television[3]
  • The idea of the light demon came from Nancy Drew writer's assistant, Sara Pearce.[4]





External links[]


  2. Kennedy McMann on Twitter: "the entire sequence in Icarus Hall took four days to shoot, incredible efforts by our special effects team, fantastic stunt coordinating, and a whole lot of efficiency, precision & imagination. a BEAST of a plot line that paid off in spades #nancydrew" Dec 3, 2021
  3. @DrewCrewWriters on Twitter: "@larryteng directed this ep - and if that isn’t exciting enough, it’s also the 100th episode he’s directed of TV! He’s a true master and I am so honored that I got to write his 100th ep! @katiebschwartz" Dec 4, 2021
  4. @DrewCrewWriters on Twitter: “I love that in our writers’ room, everyone is encouraged to pitch ideas. Especially bc in this ep, the idea to have a light demon came from one of our amazing writers’ assistants, @sarampearce. @katiebschwartz"
