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The Path of Shadows is the eighth episode of Season 1 of CW's television series Nancy Drew. It aired on December 4, 2019.[1]


Official synopsis of The Path of Shadows from The CW:

DETOURS - Nancy and the Drew Crew discover that the car wreck that left one of their own at death's door was no accident. While simultaneously hoping to solve the crime, the crew investigates the physical evidence of sabotage to the car and take a supernatural detour into the metaphysical world.[2]

Plot summary[]


Cast and characters[]




  • Nathanael Vass as Officer Rawley
  • Alison Araya as Dr. Burney
  • Carmeron McDonald as Dr. Jackson
  • Ariah Lee as Ted Fan
  • Andrea Drepaul as Moira
  • Kesler Talbot as Little Ace


George: "What are you doing?"
Nancy: "Last time we talked, Ace and I had a difficult conversation."
George: "About what?"
Nancy: "He felt like he was letting us down, and he wanted to prove something. Trying to figure out if Laura was connected to Tiffany's death. That's why he was with her."
Nancy: "Bess, can you unlock this, please?"
Bess: "What makes you think I know his passcode?"
Nancy: "You two are that kind of close."
If it was a Hudson... I was scared of what they'd do to us.
— Carson
For a dirty cop, you clean up too thoroughly.
— Nancy to Officer Rawley


  • In preparation for the ceremony preformed by Chief McGinnis, each person chose an animal. Scott Wolf had his character of Carson chose a wolf.


Promotional stills[]



External links[]

