The Scourge of the Forgotten Rune is the eleventh episode of season 2 of The CW television series Nancy Drew, and the twenty-ninth episode of the series overall. It aired on April 7, 2021.
Official synopsis of The Scourge of the Forgotten Rune from The CW:
SECRETS - Nancy and the Drew Crew work together to help one of their own. Meanwhile, Ryan has an interesting conversation with Celia (guest star Teryl Rothery).
Plot summary[]
TEASER: Nick wakes up in his car with dirt on his face. He wanders through the woods before hitchhiking to Nancy’s house. He doesn’t recognize Nancy when she opens the door.
ACT ONE: At the yacht club, Celia tells Ryan that Nancy is his daughter showing him DNA proof. She hasn’t told Everett yet as she wants to make sure that Ryan didn’t know about her existence until now, but assures him she will take care of it. At the Drew House, Nancy tells Bess that Nick has amnesia so he doesn’t know who he or anyone else is. They tell Nick that he is a millionaire from Florida who got into trouble. Bess checks in on Ace who is still trying to figure out what the box means as his parents have one like it. Nancy finds runic stones in Nick’s jeans. Ryan texts Nancy and Carson to tell them that Celia knows. Ryan is panicking as he fears that Everett will kill her if he finds out, but Nancy thinks they’re being dramatic. Carso tells her about the will, to which Ryan warns that she wouldn’t be the first family member to be pushed off the slopes. Meanwhile, Ace talks to his mother but she hasn’t seen Nick lately. He asks about the box which Thom had made. At The Claw, Ace snaps at Grant when Grant warns that there is food on the pan. Bess and Ace talk about his half-brother but she thinks he should just ask his father about it. Thom arrives with the police looking for Nick, as Aristotle Philips was murdered outside the Historical Society with Nick’s phone found at the scene along with his truck leaving the scene. Nick eavesdrops on the conversation so George hurries him out a window.
ACT TWO: They look at photos of the crime scene and see that Aristotle has huge gash marks along with runic stones next to the body. The stones belong to Vikings while Nancy believes Nick left a trail behind for them to follow. As they examine Nick’s truck he begins to remember things about being a mechanic. They find a machine from archive box 45 attached to the engine, which means the substance in one of the globes is being released through the fan. A woman had made it to cure her husband’s dementia, with two globes - to remember and forget. Nancy shows them slash marks on the bed of the truck that matches Aristotle’s. George gives Nick the machine for him to remember. When he does he tells them all to leave as something is coming for him and will come again. He tells George to trust him and go. A creature watches Nick from the woods. He turns the truck on and forgets his memory once again which makes the creature vanish.
ACT THREE: The Drew Crew arrives to pick up Nick to find out he’s erased his memory again. They take Nick to see Carson who will serve as his lawyer, with Thom interviewing Nick about his life but Nick doesn’t remember anything about his life such as his cousin being deaf or fixing wobbly chairs for Thom. Nick admits he doesn’t know if he killed Aristotle but he also doesn’t remember his criminal history. Carson tells Nick about how he killed a man in self-defense and how he served two years for manslaughter. Nick becomes emotional as he doesn’t remember. Nancy, Ace, Bess, and George look into Aristotle’s enemies and find the video of Nancy and George. Ace finds an IP address for Aristotle’s roommate, Mark Matter, who has created hate bots. Nancy leaves for a meeting with Celia Hudson. She tells Celia she doesn’t want the company but Celia tells her she can’t sign away the company, and Celia believes that Nancy has tried to expedite the process by having Everett arrested. Nancy panics and turns the truck on which releases the gas. George and Ace visit Mark and find the Viking runes and information at the apartment. At The Claw, George and Nick discuss no one telling him that he killed someone. She didn’t know how to tell him about the trauma. Celia and Nancy arrive with Celia’s memory gone. Bes and Ace found information about a Viking dig site that she wants them to look at. Ryan arrives so Nancy tells him about erasing Celia’s memory but that he needs to watch over her. A couple of hundred Vikings settled in Maine before they died for an unknown reason, leaving remnants of a creature that they worshipped behind but no name as the researchers believe the creature they worshipped turned on them. The creature turned on the archaeologists then Aristotle. Ace finds Aristotle's journal which has a page ripped out. When Nancy reads the name they wake up with complete amnesia.
ACT FOUR: They examine the truck to find the machine again. They also find The Claw and enter, finding notes about their lives on a billboard with notes that detail that the creature kills anyone who knows its name. Ace and Bess talk to which she learns she’s into girls. They watch the video on Nancy’s phone, with attempt five having gone wrong. They tried spraying the creature with holy water but it didn’t work. They plan to try again. They wake up in the lot with amnesia. Slingshotting steak knives did not work and left Ace with a damaged leg, and they tried again over and over but still remember nothing. The ideas become crazier, with the Drew Crew leaving, just as Celia arrives with donuts for Nancy. The women dance in the restaurant together declaring that they like each other. The next attempt still goes wrong so they repeat the process. They go to The Claw to watch a video of Nancy telling them everything that happened, but that they continued to fail. This dose is the last one so if they can’t kill it this time they will have to give up and never restore their memories.
ACT FIVE: Odette takes over George’s body to tell them to give up. She made a vow to keep George alive so she wants them to stop fighting before they die. Nancy gives the Drew Crew a pep talk. Nancy looks over the attempts to find the marks were smaller when they all knew its name versus when Nick knew its name. She thinks it gets less powerful when more people know its name. Bess learned how to translate the Viking language and learned that the Vikings were dying of an illness. The group deduces that when hundreds of Vikings knew the creature’s name it was weak and inactive. They need a lot of people to know its name. Bess tells everyone to gather their devices to broadcast the name across social media. He goes first by using the device to lure the creature away to buy them time. Nick remembers the night at the Historical Society where Aristotle frantically looks for the machine as the creature is coming and he needs to forget. He accidentally slips the name of the creature before spilling runic stones. Nick sees Aristotle be killed by the creature and unlocks the boxes, saving himself moments before it’s too late. When everyone’s memories are restored George and Nick kiss before fleeing together, seeing the Grimathorne in the parking lot. Ace records the creature for Bess as they blast it across social media. Ace hacks Mark’s troll botting networks to make the tweets go viral
ACT SIX: The Grimathorne attacks Nick and Bess hide in The Historical Society .As the retweets rise the creature grows weaker and turns back into a totem. They lock the Grimathorne in an archive box. Nancy tells Carson about using the device to remove Celia’s memories but worries that she’s more Hudson than Drew. He tells her that she’s a Drew at heart. She asks him to come home and he agrees by hugging her tightly. Ryan wants Nancy to be sure about bringing Celia’s memories back, but Nancy is hopeful that the nice sweet lady she knew is still in there. Celia has Nancy sit by her and thinks Nancy being her Granddaughter would be wonderful. Ace tells Thom about Nick’s innocence but it doesn’t matter as the security footage doesn’t lie or the fact that the security system confirmed Nick was in a different room when Aristotle died. Thom let him ramble because he missed it. Ace is about to tell his father about his half-brother but his mom calls that dinner is ready. Nancy asks Celia not to tell Everett about her but she feels like she has to. Nancy assures Celia that she can be trusted and Celia agrees to see how that goes. Nick and George sit in his truck, and she understands that he needs space at times. He opens up about being in juvie and how he taught himself to need less. He’s ready to get a place of his own with her which she agrees. He wants Carson’s old loft but decides to buy the whole building. Grant arrives at the open house and gives Ace the other half of the photo, revealing that he is Ace’s brother who needs help.
Cast and characters[]
- Teryl Rothery as Celia Hudson
- Anthony Natale as Thom
- Shannon Kook as Grant
- Nicole Oliver as Rebecca
- Kett Turton as Aristotle Fellowes
- Tarun Keram as Mark Matter
- Grimathorn
- Writer Katie Schwartz live-tweeted the episode from the Nancy Drew writers account.
- "Nancy & the #DrewCrew have been on journeys to figure out who they are -- And in taking away their memories, in getting to see who they are when they don't know who they are -- their most basic instincts -- we actually get to know them a lot better."[1]
- It was fun to think about how the Crew would go through the same experience over and over without realizing they'd already been through it. Like Bess saying, "like a heat emergency?" ([Melinda Hsu Taylor] added that line, and I love it every time I hear it)." [2]
- “I love the montage where the whole Crew keeps erasing their memories. I was the most excited/nervous to write that part (and I think it took the most time). It turned out better than I ever imagined.” [3]
- "I don't think I have a favorite personality type to write for. I've just been having so much fun writing for the voices. Like, I love writing George because she says the things I wish I could. And Bess because I admire her optimism."[4]
- “Tunji's performance is incredible. I love the eagerness with which he wants to know about his past -- and how quickly Nick's entire demeanor changes when the fear and panic sets in.”[5]
- “Fun Fact: When we broke this episode, I was bunny-sitting for my nieces' bunnies. I don't know what that has to do with anything -- but it was a thing that happened.”[6]
- "I was SO excited to intro Ace's Jewish mom. I may only be a Jewish mom to two dogs, but I'm also usually asleep by 9 (except on Wednesday nights) and am always offering them (the dogs) a nosh."[7]
- “The scene with Nick, Carson, and Captain Thom came together so well. Their performances were amazing. My heart breaks for Nick.”[8]
- "It was really interesting to think about what each of these characters would be like if they didn't remember who they are. Especially Celia! I loved getting to put her in sweats, and see this nicer, less calculating side of her."[9]
- “[Kristin Lehman] directed this episode. I was so sad I couldn't be in Vancouver to meet, and work with, her in person. She did an amazing job balancing the humor and fun with the scares and heartbreaks.”[10]
- "This episode almost broke my brain MANY times. The biggest organization/storytelling method I used was probably over-explaining everything, having scenes that were way too long, and then cutting more and more out with each draft."[11]
- "Normally, we have all the writers together to figure out the basic beats of the episode -- And we're all looking at the same whiteboard with all the beats on magnetic notecards that we can move around. We had a digital board, but it's not the same."[12]
- Nancy's scarf and jacket combination was one of Kennedy McMann's favorites.
Behind the Scenes[]
External links[]
The Scourge of the Forgotten Rune on The Internet Movie Database
Watch The Scourge of the Forgotten Rune on The CW streaming
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