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The Whisper Box is the thirteenth episode of Season 1 of CW's television series Nancy Drew. It aired on February 5, 2020.


The official synopsis of The Whisper Box from The CW:

STUCK – When Nancy finds herself stuck in an alternate reality the Drew Crew desperately searches for a way to bring her back.[1]

Plot summary[]

Real Life Reality: Waking up Nancy[]

We see everyone at Larkspur Lane standing outside as the place is evacuated. Nick and George know that Nancy is still inside and they need to find a way to get in. However what they don't know is Nancy is caught in a alternate reality courtesy of “The Whisper Box Room. The fake orderly tries to help George and Nick get back into the building. They call Ace to track down Father Chain and get holy water. They go to find him and he creepily climbs into the back of their vehicle, takes a package from them, and then gives them water. The fake orderly patient is able to steal keys to get them inside and no one sees him, George, Nick, Ace or Bess walk inside. They find Nancy who is pale and foaming at her mouth. Nancy who is making out with Nick in the fake world starts gasping for air in real life. George and Nick run to look for a crash cart. Ace and Bess talk to Nancy and ask her to wake up, but her make out with Nick in the alternate reality is getting pretty heavy. In real life, Bess tells Nancy that she is running out of time, and in the alternate reality, that same message falls into the room via a blue piece of paper. Nancy’s nose begins bleeding. Her friends are fighting over what they should do to save her. When suddenly Nick uses the holy water is the answer to bringing Nancy back.

Alternate Reality[]

In the perfect alternate reality where Nancy found herself trapped at the end of last week’s episode. Her mom is still alive and Nancy is home from Columbia University on break. Nancy visits The Claw, where everyone is different. George is happy and is friendly with Nancy even giving her an hug. Bess is an influencer who lives in a van. Ace is the only one who is the same. Nick doesn’t know Nancy and seeks her out for help on a property he just bought.

Nancy is also blissfully unaware of her predicament, which only makes it more heartbreaking as she slowly begins to realize something is wrong, and her memories come back. She panics, and she explains to her concerned imaginary friends that she needs to make it home. Her first instinct is to head back to the asylum. But in this world, Larkspur Asylum doesn’t exist. However, Nick reveals that the property he bought is a haunted house that shares the same address as the asylum in her world. They decide to head there and see if there are any clues for Nancy to use to find her way back.

Despite his initial skepticism, this version of Nick is eager to help Nancy. He’s even more interested when Nancy reveals that in her world, they were together romantically. It doesn’t take Nancy long to realize that the house is just old, not haunted. But she also discovers the locked door to the Whisper Box and thinks if she can open it, she can make it home. Needing the key, Nick reveals that Ryan Hudson sold him the house and that he may have the key to the door.

They go to Ryan, who, in this reality, is building a shelter for at-risk youth and happily married to a still-alive Tiffany. He reminds Nancy that in this reality, she hid the key to the door at his request, with a series of clues in case she needed to find it later. He recites them for her, and as they leave the precinct to follow the clues, Nancy notices a window with billowing curtains. A burned hand reaches out and nearly grabs Nancy, leaving behind the burnt symbol from the key in the Whisper Room. This symbol is important. Nancy and the dream Drew Crew discuss the clues, and Nick realizes the phrases are in the cemetery. They agree to meet there later to look for the clues.

When Nancy arrives home, her mother is worried, expecting a phone call with test results. Nancy is heartbroken, forced to relive the moment her world changed forever. Nancy gets to sit there with her and listen to the call where they learn Kate's test was negative. Both are relieved and Kate leaves soon after to go out with Carson. Nick comes over and it starts storming. He and Nancy can’t go out looking for the mystery key in the storm, so they start making out to pass the time.

Later after the storm the alternate reality Drew Clue follows Ryan's clues. Inside a hollow oak, visible through the wings of the angel, where hands try to pull Nancy through the hollow of the oak tree and the weird symbol appears again.

Nancy says that in her reality, all of her friends are not happy and they do not always get along. So making the decision to go back is not easy. She tells Nick she wishes she had the courage to fight for them. They kiss goodbye and the mystery door opens. Inside is a bare room and Nancy starts to panic, she thought that had been the answer to getting her reality. Nancy has to organize the blue pieces of paper which have been falling into her life in the fake world. Her Mom is talking with her and she starts to put two and two together. It turns out that years ago, her Mom wrote her a letter and put it in a blue envelope.

Nancy finds the letter from her Mom and then attempts to locate a swan constellation in glowing stars. Her Mom tells her that she doesn’t have to lose her if she chooses to stay. Nancy says she has to go back because her Mom always told her to seek out the truth. She has to say goodbye to her Mom, again. When she does, the door opens to real life.

Real Life Reality: Nancy is back in real life[]

Nancy wakes up and asks if her friends are real. George responds by saying, “what a dumbass question is that?” That snarky response lets Nancy know she has returned to real life. Back at the real The Claw diner Nancy seems a bit off. She tells the crew about how they were all still friends but were also very different expect for Ace. The tension between Nick and Nancy is palatable.

When Nancy gets home she sees her Dad. He is there, with a fancy glowing ankle bracelet, because he is under house arrest. He talks about how he should do some volunteer work and Nancy suggests the Historical Society. Apparently, he did work for them once upon a time on a volunteer basis and he pulls up a photo on his phone. In the photo Nancy pieces together the symbol she had been seeing in her alternate reality.

Nancy goes to visit the Historical Society and she sees the scary ghost-like curtain which had been following her around in an alternate reality. It is also the last thing she saw before passing out in the whisper box room. The card key that Nancy found at Larkspur Lane is for a box that is at the Historical Society which belonged to Tiffany.

Hannah who helps Nancy explains that she has lockboxes for people who have come to her at times. She calls herself a “keeper of sorts.” Inside Tiffany’s lockbox is an SD card. There is a movie, a confession of sorts, on the card. Tiffany is recorded saying that she is being haunted because of something she found out. Nancy sees dead Lucy in the movie. Hannah then tells Nancy that someone did not want Tiffany to solve Lucy Sable’s murder.

Cast and characters[]






Everyone in here is perfect and happy. And there's no ghosts, and my mom's still alive, and you all like me.
— Nancy
I am stuck in a dream of my perfect life.
— Nancy
Just know this isn't easy for me, because in my reality you guys aren't happy like you are here. We don't always get along and we hurt each other, sometimes. And our lives are pretty messy. Especially mine. I really wish I'd had the courage to fight for us.
— Nancy
She's got to find her way out.
— Bess
Nancy: "You think I'm crazy, don't you? You don't believe any of this."
Nick: "I believe that you believe it. And that's good enough for me."
Ace: "We can talk to her. Like you guys did with me when I was in the coma after the car accident."
Bess: "You heard that?"
Ace: "Yeah. Yeah, I remember you had new pants. They were very special pants. I remember they were like magic pants."
Nancy: "Are you guys real?"
George: "What kind of dumbass question is that?"
Nancy: "Yeah, you're real."
Nancy: "I really missed you."
Carson: "I missed you, too."


  • The 1977 series had an similarly named episode "The Secret of the Whispering Walls" which episode could diverted from namewise.

Production Notes[]

  • Had the show not been given a full 22-episode (Which was unfortunately later reduced to 18 because of The Pandemic) order for Season 1, this episode would have been the season finale. However, it's unknown if the episode would have been any different if it were for such a case. Although the reveal of Lucy being Nancy's birth mom would still been in the episode. [2]





External links[]

